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I'm Back! Now in Central London xxxBaker StreetCheck my website link below..
I assume this is the part where I'm meant to write something pithy
(and cliched) about being sexy/hot and fun-loving, and how I enjoy long
walks and open fires, but I don't. So I won't.
In fact, I surf, I practise yoga with a misguided belief that one day
I'll become bendy like a pretzel, I'm partial to the odd pint of
Guinness, and I think most foodstuff can be greatly improved with the
addition of hot sauce.
I offer Relaxing full body massages, laughter, great conversation, a bit of
silliness and loads of warmth and friendliness, as well as sparkling
eyes and plenty of passion (that's not a bad mix, is it?).
Starting from £120/hour
Thelma xx
Book: 07502922608Incalls 3min Baker Street Station